The Rooted Podcast

Episode 1 - The Origins

Michael and Alison Nezbeth Season 1 Episode 1

In our very first episode, we’re pulling back the curtain on us. Who are Alison and Michael Nezbeth? How did two people with a love for dogs, a knack for chaos, and a drive for something bigger turn a dream into Grassroots K9?

We’re talking origins, the hustle, the fails, and the moments that shaped our journey—not just as trainers but as business owners, partners, and (somehow) semi-functional humans.

If you’ve ever wondered how Grassroots K9 started or what it takes to build a life around dogs, business, and passion, this episode’s for you.

Tune in now and get rooted with us.

welcome back everyone um this is our first episode of the rooted podcast uh
so I'm here my name is Michael nzb and this is my beautiful wife Alison Allison
what's your last name I don't want people know on my last name all right she took my last name because we do
believe in some things that are traditional a little bit um all right so
uh today we figured we post we put that post up uh we got some requests for uh
what people would like to see or hear for the first episode um and I think it was kind of unanimous decisions across
the board um that people wanted to kind of hear how we got started what what our origin story I know and I was I was
conflicted like where do we start like do we start at the real
beginning where we first met or that's not the real beginning the real beginning is in a a beautiful city
called Brampton Ontario no we're not going back that far guys I'm sorry that's where I was raised um but we're
not we're not going to start there but uh why don't I start about our origin and then you help fill in the Gap a
little bit um does that sound like a plan to you let's do it let's run with it okay so um Mike and I met in college
in St Augustine we did the very traditional thing where we uh graduated
and went into our field of study uh Michael started off as a social worker
and I'll let him tell you a little bit about that and I um studied marketing so
I was doing um marketing for this wonderful woman shout out to Virginia
and St Augustine um and uh she uh was a
you know great mentor I learned a lot from her and and again we were just cruising along and then Mike hit me with
a huge surprise one day when he came home and said what um I said I
quit this job ain't for me yeah y I think just to kind of re rewind just a
little bit there so we were in St Augustine um we had dogs we did Zeus and
Lola Zeus and Lola we had a a gamebred pitbull yes and then an English bulldog
that believed she was a gamebred pitbull she did like she would get so excited sometimes that she would just like pass
out yeah very English Bulldog of her um but um so the the job that I had uh was
kind of in my field of study was counseling I was working with dually diagnosed adults um so they would have a
stressful they would have schizophrenia and like autism or like it was it it was
quite a shindig of a job I didn't know if Mike was coming home to tell me like a WWE uh you know story or like a really
heartwarming story it was kind of always up in the air yeah so at at this place
um I you know what I thought that's what I wanted to do um I had the opportunity to work with some people um that were
like were really great people um the the kind of patients or clients that were there um I really enjoyed you know even
on the bad days um and it it taught me a ton of stuff about myself um and I was
in charge of trying to um basically teach them how to integrate back into Society on their own they all lived in
uh group homes um so that's kind of what my job was yep uh the issue that ran
into when I when I I I finally quit that job uh was that um I I didn't
like uh how the system was set up uh in that it seemed that it was just it was
like a never- ending cycle like yeah like a revolving door of people um not
even a revolving door cuz people wouldn't really leave they would become a part of that program and then they would stay that prog in that program um
and I had a a very difficult J uh time um
compartmentalizing uh you know work and home like I would go home and then consistantly be thinking about uh you
know the experiences that I was having there kind of the the stress of that job and uh kind of what was going on with
those patients there um and it was pretty taxing on me um during this time like we said we had those two dogs and I
was super into dogs so kind of my relief from that was uh hanging out with my
dogs trying to train them doing things watching um The Dog Whisperer and uh
being like Oh like that looks like that worked for him and and Zeus was also a bit of a challenge like he was super
obedient but he he was very true to his genetics and you know if he could he
would be very very happy to fight every dog that was walking the streight kill kill anything with fur basically you
know there was a time he came home with a cattail in his mouth and we were like oh get get inside as fast as
possible an actual cat an actual cat St then we find the cat like a couple weeks later with like a bob tail we're like a
that must have been the cat yeah that was it that was it we would assume um so anyway we we called that that job wasn't
for for me yeah um and uh I also told Ally kind of at this point um that uh I
planned on being a dog trainer after he had already told me that he was studying to become a lawyer so I at this who but
who likes lawyers I at this point point just felt like he was going through you know what's pretty normal for any
20-year-old something to kind of be like gauging what they wanted to do for the rest of their life and I came from a a
divorced family but the only thing I knew about what successful marriages look like was just support your husband
like regardless right be very supportive well in that case and um anyway so I was
like inside having having this huge internal battle being like okay my
husband's about to be a dog trainer well I better make a ton of money because if I don't you know we're going
to be broke for the rest of our lives and at this time I had you know I had no idea what the jaw Community was I had no
idea what the the the profit value to it was none of it and and and to be fair
neither did I yeah this is true I wasn't aware of any of that I didn't ever make
the decision like oh you know what I'm I'm going to be a dog trainer because I'm going to be rich and have all the
things that I want in life yeah um that's not why the decision was made you know I just felt like hey this was
something that I was passionate about I had no idea anything really other than Caesar Milan right um I I had no idea
luckily I was uh we're going to like kind of have to fast forward and jump around a little bit uh but I I had the
opportunity um not we we ended up moving to South Florida we um and then in South
florid I was like I was really still stuck on this I'm going to be a dog trainer kind of kick uh and I I realized
it was really hard to get someone to teach you anything um so I was sending emails every day non-stop I was calling
any phone number that I can find in Google for people that run dog training businesses um and literally and
figuratively doors were just slammed in my face over and over again no one would be accepting of this um finally I went
to a a a Doggy Daycare um that was in South Florida a pretty big one it was
called Lauderdale Pet Lodge and um I the owner happened to be in there when I was
in there um and I talked to him I I gave him a resume uh they had a job opening
for like a kennel Tech position and I was like bro cool I got to hang out with dogs and this was
like 20 yeah early 2010 yeah my early 2010s
um and minimum wage in Florida um and I was like cool I'll take it um and he was
kind of reluctant didn't say yes but didn't say no um so I just kept showing
up every single day literally for like a month straight um and then finally I
showed up one of the days and he was there um and he was just like you're still here and I was like yeah and he's like all right well I guess you can have
a job um and I got to uh eventually in that position uh they had a trainer at
that location um and I got to work underneath her um and kind of just take
all the information that I could from her I would you know sit there and jot down notes and um you know go home after
I was done working um and you know get on YouTube or Google people or say this
person brought up this person got introduced to a French ring club and I was like oh my God there's like yeah
this is cool and like and during all this time you know to create like a parallel um I was still on the marketing
aspect um but kind of mitigated to more of the HR round realm I should say and
um so I was I was still like I would say like in a corporate position which is crazy if you know Ally um and she was in
HR it's kind of like but there was some complaints that were
filed to HR but they were just to me so it was fine um but uh I worked uh with
another amazing mentor and she was absolutely phenomenal in business and
she taught me so much about sales and she taught me so much about Business and
Entrepreneurship and just overall Thinking Beyond
the I guess the not glass cealing because that's so cliche but like really just like okay here's your goal but what
is six steps beyond that goal and it was constantly always like well what's next and what's next and um kind of always
chasing something and so when he was going through you know his mentorship and he was going through learning all
the training aspects it just so happened at that time I was in one of the like
what I would say is the best experience for a mentorship in the business World
um because I had such Hands-On and such travel experience and such communication experience that I was able to take in
and then it came down to Mike saying he wanted to open up his own dog training
company well we fast forward a bit there but there was a lot like if whatever you believe in if you believe in anything um
it's kind of like stars just aligned we've got to meet some really cool people that have been very influential
on us um just because of like happen stance like we just kind of stumbled
across it Ally has always kind of been the uh more astute business mind person
um and I've kind of always been more locked in on the dog stuff um which has really worked out and been complimentary
of stuff because Ali has been able to um I make like a joke and say like I taught Ally everything she knows about
dogs which is pretty cool to say um but we also had an apprentice that referred
to me as um You're My Demo dog I'm the demo dog of not alli's demo dog that's a
bit odd I'm I'm the demo dog of Grassroots K9 um and uh uh I think that
that was that was a pretty good accurate uh think that's well I mean we can agree
disagree um so can I tell the story about why I am the majority owner of
grass g you're not I've already told you I've changed that like many years many years ago let me tell you why so I came
home I was like deep into you know my my uh mentorship this is not a fair story
because all I'm going to tell you my can I just give one disclaimer Only One mic at a time though one one disclaimer okay
no let give your disclaimer after no I have to give it before cuz then they're going to have the context they have to have the full context that's going to
ruin the story he it's not going to ruin the story all right I'm not going to tell the story never mind okay tell the
story and then you better like understand after I say this so all right so I'm deep into my mentorship program
now learning I'm I'm I've got involved in in bite dog stuff and I'm like just oh my God this is so amazing uh
everything is lining up this is perfect for me so I come home with a little malinoa
puppy um and Ally happens to be at the house with all of her fancy friends
it's my mic my mic with her fancy friends and they're have sharing a
glass of um I think it was called shamp Pagan okay you such a bad picture I come
I come in just dirty got dog all over and a Malo and they come up to me
Ally and her friends um and they're like it was kind of like a scene from Mean
Girls and and I'm just sitting there like covered in and happy and it was almost like they didn't like my
happiness so so they came up to me it's it's going to be they won't be able to
hear me if you talk over on the mik good cuz you're telling stories that not true they come up to me anyway and say like
oh what is that like you have I was like it's a Malo puppy and they're like so what are you going to do with that like all snarky and champ Pagan drinking um
and I say oh I'm going to raise it and then sell it and then they like stop for a second like
just just to like really make me think that I was wow I've finally got through to them um and then they just burst out
in hysterical laughing such and bullied me all the way into the room and where he cried himself to sleep guys yeah
that's what happened okay now to give that's the end of the podcast so to give a disclaimer to that that's not how it
happened in my mind okay in his mind he is making up very very very fake stories
but um what happened was I was hear it again no no no I'm just going to give a
short I was sitting on the back table or the backyard in the backyard on our
table okay I was two bottles in with two other girlfriends from college my story
seems like it's adding up it was visiting it wasn't just from college no it was just I remember spe it was Courtney and Jordan we're name dropping
but there was another person from the corporate world and what no we wasn't and what we were laughing at is the fact
that who could sell a dog after having it for you know a year or
so whatever it was it wasn't the fact it was like okay welcome to Grass canine where we sell dogs after having them for
a year or so in our minds and I that's at this time I didn't understand because in my mind when you have a dog coming
from the Pet World you have it for life yeah and and when you're like a bully
you're such a lie and just there's just a nice guy there has a dream you guys bully him I don't know what to tell you
anyways this was a very intoxicated Allison at this point okay moving
on what happened next um with that puppy or with our origin story that we're
supposed to be sharing that you just went off and told the Mean Girl story that is totally that's part of our origin it's not it's it's totally not
because I will say like what I think that story offers is that I you know
especially when we have our train the trainer program and we have trainers that come in where will have significant
others who maybe not support the idea of becoming a dog trainer because they don't understand it or they don't have
parents that understand because they're much younger and they're decided not to go to college and this is what they want to do what I will say and what I can
offer is that I fully understand where it's coming from because where I was coming from from that moment was
ignorance and ignorance what it once I was awakened once I was aware once I did
a lot of research and once I really jumped on board AKA when I started apprenticing under Michael which wasn't
much longer after that story by mind you no it wasn't but the the story and I
realized that again and I will say than to my mentorship I've always thinking kind of Beyond you know your your your
greatest you know goal that you have or your your biggest goal that you have um I was able to go okay this can happen
you can treat it as a business you can treat it not just like oh I'm a dog trainer cuz I love dogs well that's like
the most like that's the silliest thing you could possibly say because liking dogs is just a tiny little factor in all
of it it is it is for sure but I think it's a very important factor um and without the like in love for the animal
um you will not have the fortitude to see through the ups and downs of the
buiness sure for sure like you have to have it but I'm just saying it's there's a bigger picture than the playing of
like I had a girlfriend once said to me you know we were probably like three or four years into the business and you
know she looks at me she's like are you doing okay like are you sure this is what you want to do I feel like that
wasn't about the business but it was about racism and no cuz we had already been
together for like I want to say six years seven years at this point um and
and it was more or less of like thinking you were not going to have a future in this and I think that's like what if you
talk more about our origin and you talk about how we got to where we were is that we were faced with that adversity a
lot all right so we're in South Florida all right uh Mike is you know working
with his mentor uh he's decoying at a a French ring Club quite often and um he
brings home uh a malano puppy uh a different one I think it was okay and
and um there was a lot of rules and me and rules don't really work but I was
super estatic that there was a puppy so I didn't feel inclined to listen to these rules so I go in the backyard and
here's this Mal puppy and he messes me up I'm talking like and then Mike's
yelling you can't correct him you can't correct him and I'm like what the hell am I going to do so I remember this
moment very very well um and it was many years ago um and I said to him I was
like okay I got to start learning what the hell to do cuz I may have grown up
with dogs but I have absolutely no clue what to do with this land shark in the
backyard and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be murdered if I go out there and
tend to my garden um so anyways I started learning uh under Mike and at
this point I started finding the passion the passion I think that you found way
earlier than I did and you know I think I was kind of hooked from that moment on
and that's where you know we started brainstorming and his mentorship was coming to an end soon um he was going to
be starting to teach individual classes um you know the puppy he had was his first dog that he was Raising for the
police at this moment and um I I can vividly remember me asking you you know
what is your vision whether was for the logo or the name and um it just it just
sprung from there right yeah so um it was kind of around this time as
well uh is where I really started diving into more of like the working dog stuff
yeah you know like I was like oh it's kind of how my my attitude is uh my
personality is is uh it kind of aligns with a little bit of what Ali was saying of like what's the next step and I'm
always is kind of like oh well that thing look at that thing over there like that's shiny I want that shiny thing
over there so before I was like ever a dog trainer I was like oh I just want to learn how to train dogs I didn't know
that there was like uh niches inside dog training um then I finally got that opportunity because the Stars aligned
and I was a very persistent um and then I went to that Frenching club that Ali
was talking about where I'm keep bringing home puppies they're bullying me then they join on uh then she says
hello this is great uh but then I'm going to hurt you can I threaten you
live it's not live so yeah okay um but then um while I'm at this it's it's not
an official French ring Club it's like a bunch of guys that are training to go trial in French ring um there's also
some some people there um that are doing the French ring thing but they're also
police canine handlers and like me like oh look something new and shiny over there I was like whoa like that that
looks really cool over there um I was the youngest guy in the group yep kind
of athletic well compared to the to the rest of the group I was the most athletic there um so obviously was uh
you also have very good Rhythm and I think any good decoy oh thank has to have good Rhythm I'm just going to put
that out there as a little sidebar to my favorite dance what's my favorite dance I can't say it my kids might listen to
this oh okay there goes the podcast rating
just went out um so anyway I see I see them over there like with their police dogs as
well and I was like oh like I want to go do that um so then I I get that get you
know no pun intended bit by that bug um and now I'm like all the way into this
like okay I'm going to raise police dogs and uh every single person that I knew in the industry uh was saying well you
know you can never make money raising police dogs and I was like M jokes on you because at this point in my life I
don't care about making money I have a wife that does that and she'll figure out that out for me um so I just dove
into that and then that's where we kind of got into this and um I've always been a firm believer I I used to be an
athlete um that's kind of weird I still am a top tier athlete I should
say I used to I used to play basketball um and um we're filming in the kennel so
if you hear barking don't worry about it this is the dog life oh yes so uh
athlete I used to play basketball um and obviously in every other sport um I
understood that the foundations were super important to to anything um and in my learning at from training pet dogs to
starting in the police dog or working dog field I really realized uh how important foundations are so that's how
we got to the name uh Grassroots like from the bottom up is is how we want to build yeah and it was kind of funny
because you can only imagine like the the stigma that Michael got like when he
he you know has dreads and he's Jamaican and it's like Grassroots and people people are like well anyways and people
are like oh you're naming it Grassroots like why is your head why are you going there like and that wasn't the case at
all it's it's truly um about working from the ground up whether it's in foundational training or just in general
of having aspirations and starting from the bottom and like Dre said
someone get her get her out of here you're done um anyways so yeah we we had
our our daughter Belle at this at this point in time and you know I was working on the website I was doing uh some of
the marketing we were coming up with a lot of direct marketing ideas where you know we would go out with our dogs and
we would you know showcase their obedience just in like casual like you know um there was like a food truck
every Wednesday night and we would be handing out cards and Michael had these obnoxious neon t-shirts that said
trainer on the back he got from no first and foremost shout out to the swap uh
swap meet in uh Fort L I don't think it exists anymore all right well anyway bro the the they look like highlighters yeah
it was they were pretty SI we a picture and then put that on this that would pretty sick anyway so it was obviously
it worked it was noticeable and we're like okay we can make this work and we were getting a lot of pressure from up
north to bring the the first grandchild up and to move up there and we did some
market research and we realized that the competition was so slim um you know at
this point like no lie when we came to you know Brampton specifically they did
not even have bylaws put into place of where a kennel could be put like and
then they come back with to us with these ridiculous bylaws that they just came up with but I'm talking like when
you talk about we were one of the first it it it truly felt that way which was
again super cool in our origin because we were able to like really you know get
involved in the community and at the same time um you know grow at a at a
fast pace that we were able to go through all those like trial and errors really quickly to kind of get them out
of the way and be like oh I never want to do that again or that really worked and I'm going to do that and and I think
sometimes when you're not bced with that so uh fast in your beginning of your career um and you may see this stuff
come up like 10 years later or whatever but I felt like you know we were faced with like bylaw restrictions or the fact
that a lot of the Canadian departments weren't working with civilians um you know we were faced with um you know dog
training wasn't like a big thing around here so kind of bringing Credence to to that um and it it was really cool to
kind of see how it just grew from there and the biggest thing I think we did is
that we were so Vis visible like not just like visibly online like we were so visible like you know Michael and I's
date nights and and we joke about this is that we were literally like downtown
you know walking around with our dogs or like the movie Max came out I don't know do you remember this yeah and we stood
outside the movie theater with our Malinois because we're like What are people going to want to see when they
leave the movie theater after watching this movie is like a really cool Mel wall outside I think that's something
that that has helped us kind of in uh the journey and I'm sure will continue to help us in the future is like a lot
of times like when when those when those like Malinois movies come out or there or it's Christmas don't get a puppy like
um we we don't yeah I I don't think that it's Christmas you should go get a puppy
but we also don't like meet that with like the pretentious attitude of a lot of dog trainers of like hey oh it's no
the Malinois movie is out now malins are going to be ruined uh no like we take the the approach of let's get out there
let's expose people to this um but let's try and do it in in the most responsible
and effective way um and of course being uh business savvy I'm like hey yeah
people are going to know what Malinois are when they walk out of this movie theater so let's be out here with a Malin that's doing cool stuff that
they've never seen before and then maybe they they we're not trying to sell them a Malinois but like hey would you like
your doodle to be able to sit when you tell them to sit well we can help you with that um and and having that like
just taking those kind of approaches to things I think has helped us along the entire Journey yeah for sure and like if
you even think about like majority of our locations and like they are part of
our origin right they are part of our learning process they are part of what makes us whether you know it's mentors
or business owners um they were people that we you know I want to say I want to
say recruited cuz that's not the way but like you they' be like a client of ours and like man you have a n like an like a
really good knack for this or um you know you're awesome talking at people like I can remember specifically like
when one of our locations and you came to me and you're like Ally these two are into dogs they love dogs and they are
super marketable because they are Hyster IAL and and when you talk about like our
origin it's you know you don't talk about like in the sense of like oh this was fully planned it definitely wasn't
fully planned I I think a good question that we should answer yeah um
is how did we get like knowing that um
police agencies in Canada specifically aren't very um fond or open to working
with civilians yeah how did we make that happen you know oh well I I
specifically remember um are you looking at him no he's not up here oh six is not
up here um so you know I'll just kind of what we did is we had a really good dog
like we had a really phenomenal dog at this point and we had a few other ones but are we going to give everyone the secret sauce right now no well why not
who cares all right so we had a really yeah give him the secret sauce we had a really really good dog um and you know
there was something that Mike and I both picked up on in the dog industry is that there was a huge lack of humility and it
was kind of like when someone had a dog they' be like yeah this dog you know he's a hammer like he'll bite for real
like and it was just like kind of like a car salesman and a dog you know aspect for specifically a used car salesman
yeah it was really like bro like shut up run your dog not your mouth like and
like and that was kind of like always he and I's Vibe we like this is obnoxious I can't listen to this and it um we knew
in order to be different to not have any law enforcement background um you know
and he and I both spoke what I believed was was well and eloquently and we had
um and the energy about us we're like that is our selling point that right there is that one we're not car salesmen
used car salesman that we're going to allow the dog to do the talking bro the used car sales are going to be pissed at
this if they were like you guys are me bro whatever if you sponsor us I'll take it back um but yeah so we said okay
we're not going to go down that route and we're going to allow the dog to do talking so we we literally spammed
emails when I say we Michael spammed a lot of emails and he didn't say much in
the email which I think was really a key component and he um when we say like
spammed emails I mean like bro put the detective Sherlock Holmes hat on um because like the information isn't
easy to come across of like who like we were like at the point like I'm Googling articles in Canada that will have uh a
can9 Handler from an agency's name and like okay that's and then I'll go to that agency and and they'll have a
public relations officer um and I'll look up the pattern of how that Public Relation officer's name so let's say
that their name was John Smith um and the public relations officer's name is
Ali nebith um well I look at the public relations officer and it'll be like a nebith at so Ando police agency okay
well John Smith is the sergeant of this canine unit so I'm just going to try and send him an email um and we literally no
word of allow I should also pull up those I have the email still probably yeah I I I can like spam emailed all of
them but not spam in in like uh hey this is what you need we're the best I'm
saying the email was like hey if you guys are looking for a dog we may have one that uh may fit the
criteria if you want to check him out uh we're more than happy to bring him out to show you here are a couple of videos
displaying who the dog is and that was it that was it and we got a call what
that being said before we got the call we got just like everything else when I
wanted to get into dog train anything else in our life um we were met with consistent resistance um and either can
I see your references it's um our tenacity or stupidity that made us
continue to just keep doing it anyway um and then eventually we got a response yeah so we got a response every time I
talk the dogs go crazy yeah I don't know they must love me um but yeah we got a
response and you know we we knew um we
had a jump on it so we brought the dog out and weirdly which has never happened before I will say the only one time this
has ever happened was our first showing in Canada to a department there was four
to five other agencies there yeah that didn't answer our emails yeah and only
the one that answer it was super strange like now looking back on it I'm like that's never happened ever since then
and this is well over 10 years to be fair to them I also get it from their perspective a little bit because you
know and I know that we get like random calls all like hey my pet dog um is
really aggressive um he's bitten my neighbor three times he'll be a good police dog and like no that's OB not the
case so I can also get like their um for sure no like but I guess like when you
when you enter into it and you haven't actually done it here and that's your first experience you're like oh is this how it's always going to be or is this
normal is like so but there was definitely like a Vibe so they you know like the questions that you would get
like oh you know how long have you guys been doing this or where's the dog from and those were all pretty normal and stuff like that and but Michael was very
quiet I would say like I was the chatter box and I was not yeah I was not even talking a lot about even the dog stuff
it was just more or less about like oh this building's haunted like random and um like seriously we were in like an
abandoned house like it was creepy house bro it was an abandoned um mental institutional institution yeah like okay
so there you go like it was haunted Weir was shut down because of lawsuits of violations of human my point so anyways
uh the dog kills it like I'm talking kills it and they're like we're going to bring in the Wizard and like you know
and we're like okay bring in the Wizard like whatever do your thing bro literally that's what they the wizard oh
bro okay I thought this dog was good but maybe if the wizard comes on he ending good bro so he he he goes like
I'm going to hide the ball whatever we're like okay you know and I'm sitting there and like it's exciting when your dog's being tested it's exciting you
know people that find it boring or or nerve-wracking it's I think it's exciting and I mean six killed it like
he nailed it and I think every I think from that moment on it changed the game
for us in so many ways that I I think the saving grace too for us um still now
but particularly at the time is that we were not even really a vendor at that time we were trying to be a vendor um so
I encourag them um to whatever you would do to test any like a dog from a a
really big vendor um to do that plus a little bit more for this dog from us um
because uh he is going to be much harder for us to to replace if you find out
down the line that he isn't for you I'd rather you hey just push him as hard as you want to push him right now figure this out if you don't want them don't
take them um but not like let's go and and that really helped kind of establish
um in in my opinion of what we do uh if if you like the dog awesome if you like it that's great if you don't there's no
love lost um and and that really kind of got us to um on the vendor side and and
selling dog side yeah for sure and I think um you know there was definitely things that we we took from that moment
that we're like okay that definitely worked and then like you have things that happen over the years and and
you're like okay I'm going to do this differently and so forth but that specific day that moment for us I think
that was truthfully where we're like okay we're gonna only show good dogs
we're going to stay you know you know I definitely know we're bigger than we were then but we're definitely never
kind of like going okay we want 150 dogs we're going to label them you know you
know letters or whatever and we don't really know anything about them but you know yeah hopefully four dogs work out
out of like the hundred like we don't we never want to be that what what what's super important to us and and um it ends
up helping on sales in my opinion uh but is not designed in that manner uh is that every dog that we sell we know
personally like and and for the most part we've known them since they've been born now yeah you know so uh it's it's
not just like hey get dog number 72 or because there's plenty of kennels like
that yeah every dog's name is Max or hey I don't know this dog I just got here today um and and no like every single
dog that we sell we know we've personally had hands on on um and usually it was from the day that they
were born right um uh so uh that ended up where some people uh
would look at that as a weakness we've always looked at that as a strength you know like some people like well you know
well I have a I have 150 dogs that's good for you I congratulations I got
five bro I got seven just born yeah like I like to to me um you know if
you like it I love it kind of attitude uh but uh I I I don't necessarily think the powers are in number we've always
tried to prioritize quality over quantity um and we don't ever have
aspirations um on the pet dog side of the business or the working dog side of
the business to be Walmart no we we don't want to be that we want to be the the boutique shop we want to be that
that shop that yet it's very high quality um and there's scarcity applied
to this high quality it's not just we have something for everyone and I think
a great way to conclude this is is really like when you're touching on that we're talking about our Origins and you
know kind of even where the name of the podcast come came from like the rooted lot of what you're talking about
and a lot of what you're saying at this very moment are legitly Our Roots like this this was our vision this was
something that we have you know really stood on we haven't changed and the fact
that we are really focused on the foundational aspect of the puppies and
growing up to being police or military dogs and like that foundational aspect to it and what it does to them I mean
over like through and through like it it sounds really cheesy but like that is
our roots that is our origin you know what I mean yeah was that cheesy no but I was
in my head right there the whole time I was think think about cuz you said like we stand on this I was thinking about the tattoo like what tattoo the one that
I have on my foot you have a tattoo on your foot on the bottom of my foot what tattoo you have a bottom of your foot it
says business cuz I stand on business that's the end of the podcast let's
go all right everybody thank you for joining us on our first podcast episode
for the rooted I wasn't prepared to do the closing but since Michael had to hit you with a Banger right there and get
off the mic I will say good night to y'all or good morning whatever it is
have a nice day

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